Saturday, April 5, 2014

My Brain Overflows

Hi! It's been a while since I've blogged. Partly because at times I don't feel like I have much to say. And at other times, I have too much to say <--- have you met me?  If you haven't, yet, you've been warned. My mind goes into over drive and I seriously feel like I have 298 thoughts going on at one time, and often times, not about the same thing. I rabbit trail a lot, but always find my way back. I'm not even kidding. Here is what is going on in my brain right this second:

- I wish the dogs outside would stop barking
- what bird is that chirping the most awkward little song?
- really? Turn your bass down, you're making my house shake.
- I need to grab a cup of coffee
- should I take Bruno food now, or later?
- food! oh man, I need to remember to buy buns and hamburger meat for tomorrow
- and a birthday card
- I could get that at Kroger, but I'd rather go to Target
- if I go to target, I need to buy a new sponge
- Lori said I was a sponge in this season of  my life, I wonder if I am absorbing, or being squeezed and letting all of it out - maybe both?  I'm being wringed and stretched, that's for sure!
- Sponges start out dry and tight, but then expand with water.
- As long as I'm expanding spiritually and not on my waist line!
- I need to clean my closet out and do some spring cleaning.
- I love spring. Even the crazy spring weather in Texas and thunderstorms.
- Thunderstorms, though nerve-racking and sometimes scary, produce such an outpour of water that it flooded Urba's flood plain.
- Her flood plain overflows. LOL
- Isn't that how it seems with God sometimes? We have a downpour in our lives, but out of that downpour, our cup overflows?
- My mind is overflowing right now
- Oh ya, I'm blogging.

All of that seriously just crossed my mind within the last minute or 2. I was trying to type as fast as my fingers could keep up with my brain, ha ha. That's why I don't always blog. Too much randomness.

I have missed sitting here and blogging. Even if it is about random things, my kids, or what I'm pondering from God's word.  The past few months, I have spent quite some time pondering God's word in a different way. My brain overflows, but more importantly, my cup does.

I'm back y'all.

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