Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Christmas in July - The Story of Liana

I found out that I was pregnant with Liana just a few days before Thanksgiving in 2006.  My initial reaction was shock, mixed with tears.  At the time my other child, Caleb, was only 7 months old and my husband, Bruno, and I thought we were done having kids - I was even on birth control.  But - God had other plans in store for us. 

We already had two older girls and a boy.  Bruno was rooting for another boy.  I, on the other hand, secretly wanted another girl (mostly because I wasn't the best mother to my first born daugther in her younger years and I really wanted another chance with a daughter).  Not only did I pray for a girl, I prayed for a girl with colored eyes.  Bruno's father has colored eyes and my grandfather had colored eyes, so I thought it wasn't too far fetched - even though my husband and I, and all three of our other kids, have dark hair and brown eyes.  I prayed every single day... Lord, if it isn't too much trouble, can I please have another chance with a daughter and I know this is asking a lot, but I would be so happy if you would give her colored eyes (keep in mind, I was praying this BEFORE I received Jesus Christ into my life).

On July 24, 2007, my son - Caleb was really ill.  Bruno, one of our daughter's, Sarah, and I took him to the emergency room at Children's Hospital where we sat for 3 hours in a waiting room... and then, I went into labor (around 9:30 pm).  We left Children's and started driving to the hospital I was scheduled to deliver at which was about 25 miles away.  But of course, there was a wreck on the highway.  I can still vividly remember being in the car, Bruno driving, I was having contractions and then Caleb was vomitting in the back seat while Sarah was trying to tend to him - all while we were stuck in traffic.  We called my mom and step dad to meet us at the other hospital.  And after what felt like an eternity, we finally got there. 

We went to the ER, where I had to fill out paper work for Caleb since he had still not been seen at Children's - then once that was finally completed, we had to find a security guard to open the locked elevator to get to the second floor since it was after hours.  I filled out more paper work in the labor/delivery ward and got a room so they could monitor me.  It was about 11:30 pm at this point.  Bruno was going back and forth between the ER (where Caleb was with my mom) and being with me.  It was a crazy night!  Then, at 2:41 AM, it was time.  I told the nurse and doctor - "I think this baby is coming out."  They said, "don't push!"   And I said, "I'm not - that's how I am talking to you right now - but it is coming out!"  ( I said 'it' because at this point we had no idea if it was a boy or a girl).  Our baby was born at 2:42 AM on July 25, 2007.  And it was.... a girl.  Not only was it a girl, it was a girl with blue eyes!   It felt like Christmas!

The Lord had answered my prayer.  Bruno and I debated over several names for the next 10 minutes or so - Sophia, Olivia, Christina, Lisa, Claudia, and after much discussion, we decided to name her Liana.  I wanted to name her Liana Rene' (after me), but my husband said that there were already enough Rene's for us all to deal with in our family.  I am the only Rene'... and he's probably right.  At the time of naming her, we did not know what Liana meant.  We just liked the way the name sounded.  Years later, after I came to receive Jesus Christ, I looked up the meaning of her name and Liana is a short version of the name Eliana which is Hebrew and means 'My God Has Answered Me'.  IS THAT NOT INCREDIBLE?!?!!!!!   It just goes to show you that God is ALWAYS in the midst of things, even when we don't realize it - and even BEFORE we know we are His.  He already knows how His perfect plan will come together in our lives and every year, this story of Liana is just one of the ways that I am constantly reminded of that.

From Left to Right - Our Children:  Alyssa, Liana, Sarah, Caleb
The way she entered the world is a reflection of the kind of personality she has, so far, in life.  She keeps things interesting, tends to do things at her own pace when she wants regardless of what anyone says or thinks, and she is headstrong.  She is our chatter box, caretaker, defender, sassy prass, rough & tough, girlie, animal lover, fearless, and our little firecracker (looks like she may have gotten some of that Rene' in there after all - no middle name needed)! 

Praise God for answering my prayer.  He is faithful and hears our prayers.

Happy Birthday Liana ~ Mommy loves you, but God loves you even more!

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